1998 Reunion

As proposed by Donna Owen at the 1996 Texarkana reunion, we held the 1998 reunion at Mahoney State Park. It was unanimously accepted as long as she took on the challenge of organizing the event. This was a great reunion and I can say that Donna more than upheld her end of the bargain. There were great accommodations ranging from the lodge where many of us stayed to the spacious cabins where we shared several great meals and many games of tunk. Thanks to Dan Matthews for the fish fry and to Bob for his famous lasagna. As usual, no one went hungry at this reunion. I would love to post some of Donna and Andrea's recipes if they will send them to me.

We really missed Dick and his family. We thought that there would be a no-show from the Davis family, but Ron, Donna, and Micah came in and surprised everyone. We would love to see Gary and Ed at the next get together. Sara wanted to talk ugly about everyone that didn't show up, but I convinced her to give everyone one more chance. So make sure you attend the next affair or be prepared for burning ears.

Donna Owen was elected our new President so everyone can send all complaints to Omaha. I was elected secretary once again, and webmaster also. Send those complaints to Donna as well. It was decided that we would have a gathering in Nashville in the summer of 1999. Sara Beth will be our hostess and is sending me information on the hotel.

Ben sent me this list of all that attended:

Martha Stewart -- Richard & Sarabeth Stewart -- Ron & Donna-Marie & Micah Davis -- Martha & Cissy Busby -- JC & Cindy Lovell -- Ben & Oma Lovell -- Linda Crawford & Laura Ochiltree -- Claudia & Denis & Kyle Bohm -- Bonnie & Ky & Jessica & Nathan Coffey -- Don Lovell & Al & Donna & Amanada Owen -- Erich Bystrom -- Andrea & Dan & Joshua & Hayley Matthews -- Alley Jr. & Jeanne & Daniel Owen -- Bill & Zan Lovell -- Brad & Amanda & Jeff & Valerie Lovell & Brandon (with Valerie) -- Bob Lovell -- Penny & Rowland Hannon (Dick Hannon's brother & wife)

Here are the photos that I took. We never got everyone together for a group shot, so if anyone has pictures of people that I have missed, send them in.

Part of the Lovell Clan

Father's Day Fathers


J.C. and Cindy Lovell

Al and Dick meditating.

Ben and Oma Lovell

Al and Donna Owen